Professional Travel

Any SFEA Certified staff who is interested in receiving a travel allowance from negotiated funds to attend professional meetings must submit an application for review by the Professional Travel Committee.

Travel Application Deadlines

Applications must be received by Staff Development at IPC before Noon on these dates

Deadline for Application


For Travel in the following months

Friday, September 6, 2024


Applications must be received by the deadline listed for the monthly review and at least two months prior to your travel dates, but as early as possible to reserve funds if approved. Applications received within 2 months of travel will be denied.

Friday, October 11, 2024


Friday, November 8, 2024


Friday, December 6, 2024


Thursday, January 9, 2025


Friday, February 14, 2025


Friday, March 21, 2025


Friday, April 18, 2025


Friday, May 9, 2025


Last chance for review of July-November travel before summer break. No reviews are held between June-August.

This criteria will be considered by the committee for approved teacher-initiated travel:

  1. Any/all previous travel at District expense will be considered.

  2. Consideration will not be given to staff who have traveled using Professional (Negotiated) Travel funding in the last three years.

  3. The applicant must be in at least his/her third year of employment with the district.

  4. The Professional Travel Committee will not consider requests for substitute days only.

  5. The cost and location of a particular professional meeting will be a factor. If travel expenses are capped, the total expected cost might not be covered. Professional Travel will not cover costs exceeding $3,000.

  6. Consideration may be given to discipline areas involved in District curriculum studies. Relationship of the meeting to the teaching assignment will be considered.

  7. No more than two teachers from a building will be authorized to attend the same professional conference, but not to exceed more than four people from the district. 

  8. Approval for teacher-initiated travel will not be granted during parent-teacher conferences &/or the last week of school.

  9. Professional travel funds will not be used for co-curricular activities.

  10.  Travel will not be used for college credit hours.

  11.  The applicant should not be in his/her last year of employment with the district.

  12.  Number of days absent during the current school year will be considered.

  13.  Travel will not be approved after a participant has attended the conference.

  14.  Travel will not be used to attend conferences to receive training when trainers are available within the district.

Please Note:

  • Travel requests must support the district vision, mission, goals, and strategies. 

  • All decisions regarding approvals and denials are final. 

  • Do not apply for funds to travel if your attendance is dependent upon another teacher in the district being approved for the same meeting. 

  • Consideration may be given to applicants who are involved in future conventions, have speaking obligations, or are elected officers in their discipline. 

  • Travel funds shall be used to pay registration fees at the membership rate. Travel funds will not be used to pay membership dues. 

  • Travel funds will not be used to pay for pre- or post-workshops or conferences. Travel funds will not be used to pay for any extra or special conferences/classes/tours within the Regular Conference.  

  • Travel funds will not be used to pay for meals within the boundaries of the Sioux Falls School District.  

  • Travel funds will not be used to pay for transportation/parking within Sioux Falls, such as to and from Sioux Falls Airport.

  • Travel funds will not be used to pay for valet parking in Sioux Falls or the destination city.

  • Travel funds will not be used to pay for checked baggage for travel 3 nights or less. 

  • No hourly pay or exchange time will be awarded for professional travel.

Applicants that cancel their travel after funds hav been approved/allocated:

  1. If Professional Travels funds have been encumbered, the applicant must wait three years to submit another request for travel funds.

  2. If no Professional Travels funds have been encumbered, the applicant can re-apply for travel funds, but the new travel request must be reviewed by the committee. Approval of the new travel is not automatic.

Professional Travel Committee Members:

Lindy Bell

Teacher at Patrick Henry Middle School

Michele Blair

Teacher at Washington High School

Rebecca Moser

Teacher at Laura Wilder Elementary School

Brenda Harold

Travel Specialist at Central Services

Preston Kooima

Assistant Principal at Washington High School

Patti Pannell

Principal at Renberg Elementary School

Dr. Kirk Zeeck

Assistant Superintendent of Academic Achievement at IPC

Sara Klaahsen

Coordinator of Language Immersion & Professional Development

Velina Onate-Nelson

Clerical for Staff Development,Federal Programs, & Libraries

Meeting Dates

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday, April 24, 2025 

Thursday, May 15, 2025